Combate de incendios forestales
How does it work?
TCAS SG work directly when coming into contact with the fuels that are in combustion, eliminating almost instantaneously all the types of gases that these generate. Therefore, the efficiency range is very high.
Is it a retardant?
TCAS SG does not retard, it puts out the fire. As it is not a retardant, it can be appliedin the liquidation stage of forest fires, this being the most critical of the fight, because a badly liquidated fire generates another fire and, normally, of greater magnitude than the initial one. Therefore, the TCAS SG comes to cover an important need in the liquidation stage of a forest fire
What about its efficiency?
This product has a high efficiency performance in heavy fuels, since it does not need their removal for their extinction.
All the field tests allowed to verify that the control and settlement times can be reduced by 50%.
TCAS is mixed with water in a concentration between 0.5% to 1% for fighting forest fires.
Equipment with which it is compatible:
- Planes
- Helicopters
- Forestry motor pumps
- Fire trucks
- Cisterns trucks
- Self-supporting ponds
- Forestry Knapsack Pumps
- Knapsack pumps for agricultural use
Systems with which it is applied:
- Adjustable flow spout
- Low, medium and high expansion foam python
- Direct python
- Fog python
- Helicopters and planes for forest fire fighting
Hydrocarbon fire fighting
Advantages of using TCAS SG
- Upon contact with fire or chemical, it instantly eliminates fuel gas (hot gases), not allowing re-growth. This is a safety aspect that sets our product apart.
- TCAS SG It is used for Polar and Non-Polar products.
- When applying TCAS SG In the form of foam or solution, it does not produce propagation by projection of burning hydrocarbons, since it immediately eliminates the combustible gases present only when they come into contact.
- When burning hydrocarbons fall on foam formed by TCAS SG, the fire is extinguished immediately since it does not need to form a film on the fuel to seal the gases present.
- Significant decrease in the use of water, reducing logistics costs, time to control emergencies and quantity of contaminated water for final disposal.
- Better warehouse logistics by using a single product for multiple types of emergencies.
TCAS SG It is used in a mixture with fresh, salt or industrial waters, in a concentration of 1% with:
- Mechanized system by motorized pump and direct to portable tanks.
- Fire trucks with internal foam generation system.
- Directly to the car pump pond.
- External adductor in line.
With what to apply it?
- Adjustable flow spout
- Low, medium and high expansion foam python
- Pressurized water fire extinguishers
- Compressed air foam systems – CASF
TCAS SG Due to its special characteristics, it presents an excellent performance for the control of the following types of emergencies:
- Aircraft and air terminals
- Ships and maritime terminals
- Landfills
- Petrchemicals
- Mining
Firefighting in garbage dump
How are fires started in landfills?
The fires that are caused in the sanitary landfills, occur due to the fermentation of the decomposing organic matter found in the place, which acts as a precursor. This fermentation process gives rise to flammable and explosive gases, which added to the temperature that this process also originates and the presence in the waste blanket of combustible materials such as plastics, rubber, wood, paper and others, are the cause. from such fires and emanation of toxic gases such as dioxins; furans, carcinogenic in nature.
So how does TCAS SG work on landfill fires?
The application of TCAS SG neutralizes the aforementioned fermentation, thus eliminating the generation of flammable gases and also eliminating the temperature effect, thus cutting off the origin of fires.
The TCAS SG allows the elimination of toxic gases that displace oxygen and that represent a risk to human health. However, TCAS SG does not eliminate contamination from plastics, rubbers, or building material remnants, such as paint or industrial material that has long been degraded. However, it could increase its degradation, leaving it in a position to be used as a park after a material covering and without the emission of gases.
The TCAS SG allows the entire burning surface to be turned off, releasing the emanation of gases and fumes into the environment.
TCAS SG It is used in a mixture with fresh, salt or industrial waters, in a concentration of 1% with:
- Upon contact with fire or chemical, it instantly eliminates fuel gas (hot gases), not allowing re-growth. This is a safety aspect that differentiates our product
- Significant reduction in the use of water (up to 70% less water), reducing logistics costs, time for emergency control and quantity of contaminated water for final disposal
- Better storage logistics by using a single product for multiple types of emergencies
- Instant action, no debris removal required
- Multifunctional product for your use.
With what to apply it?
- Adjustable flow spout
- Low, medium and high expansion foam python
- Pressurized water fire extinguishers
- Compressed air foam systems – CASF
- Helicopters
- Planes